Jumat, 28 April 2017



School                         : JHS 1 Kebasen
Subject                        : English
Grade                          : VIII/1
Topic / skill                  : Command & Prohibition / writing
Time allocation            : 1x40 minutes

A.      Core Competence:
CC.1:        Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion.
CC.2:        Appreciate and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring, (mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and pro-active attitude and demonstrated as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment and in placing itself as a reflection of the nation in the association world.
CC.3:        Understanding, applying, analyzing factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural, based on his curiosity about science and technology, arts, culture, and humanities with an insight into humanity, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and events, as well as applying procedural knowledge in the field of study with specific talents and interests to solve the problem.
CC.4:        Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the real of the concrete and abstract domains associated with the development of the school studied independently, and able to use the method in accordance with the rules of science.
B.       Basic Competence:
BC3.3      Implementing a social function, the structure of the text, and text linguistic elements of oral and written transactional interactions involving the act of giving and asking for information related to a requirement, prohibition, and the appeal, according to the context of use.
BC 4.3     Designing transactional interaction text in oral and written by short and simple form that involves the act of giving and asking for information related to a requirement, prohibition, and appeals, with due regard to the social function, the structure of the text, and correct linguistic elements and in context
C.      Indicators
1.    Explaining probihits expressions in daily activity.
2.    Using prohibits expressions in appropriate place, for example in reataurant or laboratory.
3.    Comparing prohibits expressions which have different order words.
4.    Checking the wrong words in prohibits expressions.
5.    Designing a prohibit expression for daily activity.
D.      Learning Objectives (A-B-C-D)
At the end of the lesson students are able to:
1.      explain probihits expressions in daily activity
2.      use prohibits expressions that appropriate with the place, for example in restaurant or laboratory
3.      compare prohibits expressions which have different order words
4.      checking the wrong word in prohibits expressions such as using words must and should
5.      design a prohibit expressions for daily activity
E.       Learning material
Social function : Command and Prohibition are used to ask someone to do something.

Example of dialogue about Command and Prohibition
(Contoh dialog tentang memerintah dan melarang)
One morning in VII J class
(Suatu pagi di kelas 7J)
Abi: Hello Umi. What are you doing?
(Helo Umi. Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?)
Umi: I am doing my homework.
(Aku sedang mengerjakan PR ku)
Abi: Don’t be lazy! You must do your homework at home.
(Jangan malas! Kamu harus mengerjakan PR di rumah.)
Umi: Emm… But, open your book!
(Emm… Tapi, buka nukumu!)
Abi: What will you do? Remember, no cheating! Do it by yourself!
(Apa yang akan kamu lakukan? Ingat, jangan mencontek! Kerjakan olehmu sendiri!)
Umi: Okay guys.
(Oke teman.)

1.      Command Verbal:
V1 + Complement
*Open your book/dictionary!
*Close your book/dictionary!
*Sit down!/ *Stand up!
*Clean the whiteboard!
2.      Command Non-Verbal:
Be + Adjective
*be careful!
*be on time!
*be diligent!
*be a good student!
3.      Prohibition Verbal:
*Don’t cheat
*No cheating
*Don’t cry
4.      Prohibition Non-Verbal:
*Don’t be lazy
*Don’t be shy
*Don’t be late
*Don’t be careless
F.       Learning method
1.      Model             
·         Cooperative learning
2.      Method          
·         Question card
·         Poster session
G.      Steps of teaching
1.      Opening
v  Orientation
·         Teacher greets the students.
·         Teacher asks students to lead pray.
·         Teacher asks the students’ condition.
·         Teacher checks the attendance list.
v  Brain storming stage
·         Teacher shows some pictures about prohibition.
·         Teacher asks the students related to the picture. The teacher asks “What are they?” and “Where do you find those prohibition?”
v  Motivating strategi
·         the teacher tells that public signs are related to the topic that they are going to discuss today, it is expressing command and prohibition.
2.      Main activity
v  Observing
·         Students are asked to observed sentence on the picture
·         Students mention the command and prohibition expression
v  Questioning
·         Teacher guides students to make a question related to the command and prohibition
·         Students ask about the structure of the sentence
v  Associating
·         Teacher gives students conversation about command and prohibition
·         Teacher asks students to analyze the text which use command and prohibition
v  Experimenting
·         Students make a group of 3 or 4
·         Students interview each member about prohibition in daily activity
·         Students construct a diaologue and poster about command or prohibition
v  Networking
·         Students perform their work in front of the class
·         Students give feedback about the perfomance
·         Teacher give explanation about the feedback if there are something wrong
3.      Closing
·         Teacher and students conclude about the prohibition
·         Teacher ask students if they have something that make them confused
·         Teacher give review by asking student some question
·         Teacher tells about next material for the next meeting
·         Teacher ends the lesson by saying hamdalah
H.      Learning media
1.      Media                         
a.       Picture
b.      Power Point Slide
c.       Laptop
d.      LCD
e.       Proyector
2.      Learning sources         : 
Wardiman, Artono. (2008). English in Focus for grade VII Junior High School. Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Page 46-47
Asep, Gunawan. (2013). When English Ring the Bell. Jakarta : Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif Page 164-180
I.         Assessment
1.    Technique of evaluation
a.    Attitude : observation
b.    Knowledge : subjective text
c.    Skill : performance, written test
2.    Instrument
a.    Attitude      : observation sheet
b.    Knowledge : test essay (rubric)
c.    Skill            : Fill the blank, rubric
                                                                                    Purwokerto,  March 31st 2017
Headmaster                                                                 Teacher

....................                                                                Dewi Rohmawati
NIP.                                                                            NIM. 1501050010


A.    Attachment for student’s activeness
Rubric for Students’ activeness



Ask question
Give addition
Give objection







-          Ask question     =  30%
-          Answer             =  20%
-          Give addition   =  20%
-          Give objection  =  30%

B.  Attachment for student’s knowledge

1.      In this picture the student is late, please make a dialogue between the teacher and the student  


2.      You often look the sign in some area, please make a text to discribe the sign
                   Rubric score
They make a dialogue using command or prohibit expression minimally 6 dialogue and they make a paragraph using command or prohibit expression minimally 6 sentences.
If there are 1 or 2 wrong grammar
If there are 3 wrong grammar
If there are more than 3 wrong grammar
If the dialogue or the paragraph not complete and too many wrong grammar.

Untuk Kritik dan Saran silahkan comment :)